a simple blog to tell you i feel awkward at room 4o1 . i seem like an alien . more alien than earvin sabado . i dont feel like them . i dont need to worry , im not the only one who feels for curie . oh yeah my new color is green & pink :] i dont know but i feel also light with the 2 along with blue :] well red didnt last long xD so anyways i like the color combinations . but im more on blue and green . im still subsiding pink . still finding a way to put yellow in my kelidoscopic world xD yellow is for spongebob i mean :] oh yeah green symbolizes my frog and turtles & blue is still marga :] blue is still my favorite since i dont know when x] since birth ? XD blue is marga . the quiet & peaceful one :] i can go purple or sumthing but i still cant make myself . so anyways orange will NEVER be my color ! NEVER!!!!! i hate orange
grrr . and oh yeah . im reviving brown in my life :] brown symbolizes furry creatures for me :] like my hairy dogs :] and my dead hamstuurs xD x]]
my gawwd xD i also want a dog just like my sister does . but only she can save more money x.x gawwd . life is so unfair for me . so whatever life may bring i need to pay xD so anyways iiison is now officially not minding spongebob anymore :] wiih :] like iiison is not minding me while im here typing with spongebob on my lap :] wiih . im in love with microbits now xD . its someway relaxing :] its fun :]

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