[Everything I am about to blog is written in paper x] i mean it everything]
[Sept 14]
[Sept 14]
[rm 4o1 filipino panimulang gawain time]
wow . i finally have an object to write my blog alos xD so anyways . this object was supposed to be a journal . so anyways i realized that when filipino is first subject i tried to write down on scrath papers and not mind my world with her . well basically i still dont like her . well share . this morning . i got to walk with teacher dhel . well basically ive always liked her but she always likes to call me "Margarette" rather than marga x]] well we were laughing on the way to school . well she ppaid for my transpo also :] how sweet :] so anyways oh yeah . i dont have a necktie XD so i like have to wear this borrowed jacket i am wearing the whole day x[ so another story was when it was flag ceremony . my attention got caught upp aian . well . my attention got stuck with Lamarck and teacher roda . well i miss her and i feel jelous of the lamarck this year *
[rm 4o1 filipino reading "Sa Bagong Paraiso"]
wow ! what a cool story . at least now she caught my attention . the story is "Sa Bagong Paraiso" wow i can relate :] but im scared of the fact that iam have a possibility of it x[ and i guess i really need to have self control . i dont know if i would have same fate . well they story is nearly close . grr . i hate having these all of a sudden lessons making my head think more *
[rm 4o1 RHGP aftershock of the test]
ahmahgash ! well out of the blue feel . well basically we didnt know we would have this . "Thurstone test of Mental Alertness" thing . well im not in the mood so i just kept on answering . well i didnt answer all of them . obviously it says in the direction skip lines :P i dont care eh eh eh eh eh x] x]] xD xDD im so random *
[rm 4o1 ELA in between the seatwork.xD]
i admire teacher aida :] *
[cafetirea DLA molino]
well i didnt eat today . must be euthanasia . ill do water treatment ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . water treatment that is *
[cr 2nd floor high school building]
wow xD people are washing their faces at schoo due to pimples xD haha so i went to janice's side and when she was done i was like kewwl ! ive never experienced washing my face at school XD so here i am staring at my dimples and teasing others i dont have pimples XD its become a habit no xD teasing others i dont have pimpes *
[rm 4o1 chem just after tle time]
wow that was fun Ü i got to be with RR [ronnie] hannah . pat C and anthea Ü well im really not familiar . it is my first time to be really with RR . i never got to talk to him . only just now *
[rm 4o1 math aftershock of the test TT.TT]
TT_____________________TT :'[[ X[[ X'[[ waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe it TT.TT im so careless TT/TT if im not careless i shouldve passed that quiz TT.TT i really want to cry TT.TT happy sleeping ? :]] :'] :'[
[rm 4o1 filipino not listening to a word teacher chris is saying xD]
well basically im sleepy . i need energy haha i wasted almost all my energy last night on patapon and my head wont turn off because i got LSS x]] xDDD haha so anyways im just gonna restart . forgive me Üv so anyways i go to evolve them wrong x.x well basically i copied what hiko did . but he didnt tell me its wrong x.x i miss hiko :[ its not good to have glimpses and short periods of time . i noticed that from ti
me to9 time i find myself wondering and wanting to be with him . i still dont know if this is a dream come true or an infatuation . hopefully no *
[rm 4o1 eshtatishtics]
i hate akuma ! baka ! *
[rm 4o1 chem and health . basically we have on teacher and they are intervals]
i just finished making the reaction paper on "I am Scientist" and all of a sudden my mind remembered the time xtine fab and kevin eusebio were there , it made me lonely . cosidering the fact i am alone . chances are i am x]]well i am a loser . so anyways oh yeah share ! its health time again and im not listening again . oh yeah im dreaming . fatasizing really . dream house ? XD i wont listen . i dont like topic when my classmates are laughing too much . i was visualizing again XD well it is kinda cool XD i want the biggest room on my house would be the cr XDD so cool XDD it is kinda big for a small girl like me XD i visualize the bathroom of Harry Potter on the movie goblet of fire and candles somewhere around . only with bigger space and it surroundings a lot wider XDD wow ! that would be so expensive with the pipes XD wow ! honto nii kawaii Ü !i suddenly wang "again" the scent of vanilla Ü *
[rm 4o1 last subject on the last moment XD]
well i feel drained x/x i already ate luch !!!!!!!!!! TT_____TT so unfair im so sleepy TT_____TT im teary eyed *
[rm 4o1 filipino reading "Sa Bagong Paraiso"]
wow ! what a cool story . at least now she caught my attention . the story is "Sa Bagong Paraiso" wow i can relate :] but im scared of the fact that i
[rm 4o1 RHGP aftershock of the test]
ahmahgash ! well out of the blue feel . well basically we didnt know we would have this . "Thurstone test of Mental Alertness" thing . well im not in the mood so i just kept on answering . well i didnt answer all of them . obviously it says in the direction skip lines :P i dont care eh eh eh eh eh x] x]] xD xDD im so random *
[rm 4o1 ELA in between the seatwork.xD]
i admire teacher aida :] *
[cafetirea DLA molino]
well i didnt eat today . must be euthanasia . ill do water treatment ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . water treatment that is *
[cr 2nd floor high school building]
wow xD people are washing their faces at schoo due to pimples xD haha so i went to janice's side and when she was done i was like kewwl ! ive never experienced washing my face at school XD so here i am staring at my dimples and teasing others i dont have pimples XD its become a habit no xD teasing others i dont have pimpes *
[rm 4o1 chem just after tle time]
wow that was fun Ü i got to be with RR [ronnie] hannah . pat C and anthea Ü well im really not familiar . it is my first time to be really with RR . i never got to talk to him
[rm 4o1 math aftershock of the test TT.TT]
TT_____________________TT :'[[ X[[ X'[[ waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe it TT.TT im so careless TT/TT if im not careless i shouldve passed that quiz TT.TT i really want to cry TT.TT happy sleeping ? :]] :'] :'[
[Sept 15]
[not posting]
[september 16]
[not posting]
[september 16]
[rm 4o1 filipino not listening to a word teacher chris is saying xD]
well basically im sleepy . i need energy haha i wasted almost all my energy last night on patapon and my head wont turn off because i got LSS x]] xDDD haha so anyways im just gonna restart . forgive me Üv so anyways i go to evolve them wrong x.x well basically i copied what hiko did . but he didnt tell me its wrong x.x i miss hiko :[ its not good to have glimpses and short periods of time . i noticed that from ti

[rm 4o1 eshtatishtics]
i hate akuma ! baka ! *
[rm 4o1 chem and health . basically we have on teacher and they are intervals]
i just finished making the reaction paper on "I am Scientist" and all of a sudden my mind remembered the time xtine fab and kevin eusebio were there , it made me lonely . cosidering the fact i am alone . chances are i am x]]well i am a loser . so anyways oh yeah share ! its health time again and im not listening again . oh yeah im dreaming . fatasizing really . dream house ? XD i wont listen . i dont like topic when my classmates are laughing too much . i was visualizing again XD well it is kinda cool XD i want the biggest room on my house would be the cr XDD so cool XDD it is kinda big for a small girl like me XD i visualize the bathroom of Harry Potter on the movie goblet of fire and candles somewhere around . only with bigger space and it surroundings a lot wider XDD wow ! that would be so expensive with the pipes XD wow ! honto nii kawaii Ü !i suddenly wang "again" the scent of vanilla Ü *
[rm 4o1 last subject on the last moment XD]
well i feel drained x/x i already ate luch !!!!!!!!!! TT_____TT so unfair im so sleepy TT_____TT im teary eyed *
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