
i love God . i love Blogger

i thought tumblr was a place for smart people ? why am i seeing these posts ? If God wants it now it will happen . And you guys believe a superstition ? Well I for one believe in God . I will remain faithful and your 2012 superstition will not happen . that is what I believe in . God will spare me 2013 . He will let me fulfill my promise . He will let me say yes to the guy who promised to wait for me . God will let me go to college and finish it . I wont let a superstition stop me . God loves me . God loves YOU . If you believe in him . Don’t let 2012 happen . he just needs your attention . Pray and let your voice be heard .Libya, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen, New Zealand, Mexico, Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines, and everywhere else in the world is in peril . We need to support and love one another . let's pray for each other's safety . we all need him . we need to come back to him .

I'm guessing not everyone in tumblr is all that . ill just stay here in blogger where I feel more people like myself belong . Im guessing staying there isnt my thing . maybe I am a loser and I accept wholeheartedly

they say that place is for cool people . well I say this place is for the literate .


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