rawr ! blog mode :] haha :] so many people are reading my blog :} rawr :} thank you guis :]] am i worth reading ? o.O im a loser anyways o.O so here i am on the world . forgotten to wake up at 4 in the morning for vb *stupid marga* so im like here drowining myself in boredom . well anyways . just now i had like 3 hours changing somethings in my blog :]] hahaha! :]] well that was fun :]] it really was :]] well go look at my blog please :] the upper right corner of my site :] near the stars :] i love it :] well i was finding out how to eliminate the stupid comment rss . couz my site cannot function with that . well when i change hiko's site i was like cool i like his site better x.x his background is so easy to change the menu bars and stuff so a little takle and i saw something in the btemplates site >:] hahahaha :]] its so fun :]] well i was bored and better this than nothing . well im getting better at this codes >:] i always was anyways its really not my fault im bored . and it also just so happens i am down jelous of the people who are out of town . sis is on tagaytay . i want to go there and buy noceda cassava cake TT.TT waaa ! TT.TT well basically its been a long time since i ate it TT.TT and i miss my couzins there TT.TT and also hiko who happens to be in another mountain . god forbade me x.x x.x gawwd who am i anyways x.x im a burried loser here x.x i hate cavite x.x but i also hate manila x.x i want to be a star :] reincarnate me dear god x.x if you dont want ill go be a hindu :]] =]] :]] =]] haha if not ill just join the raelian movement :]] =]] :]] =]] hahahaha ! panspermia ! lol well here i go again . im just so bored here x.x im dying x.x anyways im eating again . even if my tooth hurts . here goes my tooth again x.x grrr ! well basically i cant pull you out myself . well most of the time i feel like i smell it x.x gawwd x.x bad breath ? x.x waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa x.x im a real loser x.x what to do what to do . well nothing really x.x im going around in circles again well basically i have no one to talk to . im a loser and im not someone who you would want to kill time with so just reprimand and kill me x.x

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