[: hapii aniv ate didi kuia andrew :]
[: hapii monxie marchella neil :]
so lets go to my dental stuff . well anyways . i got to go there late :]] its because i liked the second years and i liked the game and i waited for marchella [haha i had a problem with this =]]] so anyways . i left with wrenzo couz he wasnt gonna join the other second year groups simply because they are not their groupmate :]] =]] well anyways he also needed to give something to gladys . i thinked for a plan so he wont overspend that day . well when we went to gladys' home i really didnt want to enter simply because i dont have any business to be there so anyways gladys' mom told us that she was taking a bath . i just waited with wrenzo outside [couz i told him i dont want to enter their house] so anyways when she got out she worked with wrenzo in coloring and wrapped up . well gladys was really cute having her hair wet [ill praise her later :] ] so we had to leave early couz im already late :]] im so bad :]] so i said my goodbyes to both of them . well i took the jeepney . couz im broke [tita is so bad giving me 5o php when my real transpo is worth 7o php !] gawwd so i had to walk *walk3p* so anyways lets go back to the story when i came in the dentist she was currently entertaining a child to have her first tooth come out . it was kinda weird . good thing i wasnt looking . im not related in anyway to the kid . so anyways when my dentist told me its my turn she like had bad news [she looked like it was bad :]] =]] whahahaha ! :]]] so anyways . she told me i needed a skin test and afterwards to go back home couz i needed nutrition . so anyways the result of the skin test . negative of the allergies yet i felt something annoying on my skin . so anyways without knowing i just said what i felt to my dentist and she said that we'll have another skin test [argh ! its an injection ! i have so many scars of injections !] so anyways . she told me to go home , eat and try to let my tita come with me if i go back . heres a story . while on the way back marchella saw me on my walkathon and she shouted at me and waved my itouch ! hahahaha ! i knew it was with her ! :]] so anywyays when i came home tita wasnt there ! i waited until 3 but she wasnt there . so i just decided to go to the dentist without her . when i came back we had another skin test . so 2 injections in one day . it was nothing really but its annoying . so anyways i also got negative but i still felt the same like my other arm ! so the dentist was like its either coincidence or an effect of the thing on me so the dentist didnt try to and didnt really pulled my tooth off . so annoying [all my efforts gone to waste and its all because of the annoying feeling on my arm] so anyways i just went home . so annoying .
so another story . while on the way back . i had a feeling . another annoying feeling . [whats with me ! im so annoyed :]]] so anyways its on my tummy . at first i thought it was call of nature :]]]] =]]]] :]]]] =]]]] so anyways ;] it was dysme pala :'[ it was so bad ! i was all curled up . at first i was `L` mode and and when i was plurking a friend of mine [grace] told me to drink meds . and i did . even without nutrition ! ahmahgash ! so after a while i was on the floor . good thing i told max about it and told him to call before the computer restarted automatically . i cried :[ it was so painful . scorching pain . i wasnt able to post this blog because of that :'[ so i just told him to call on my phone because i was on the floor . i just crawled :]] haha . i looked like samara :]] so kewll but it *was* awfully painful :[ so anyways . i let him call and after 2o min he gave me load and told me he needed to do his chores . after doing so i fell *asleep* 

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