well its my new perspective of things . and i seriously want to change :) well im tired of using the same excuses really now . this happening is triggered due to the report card that i have received and the dreams i hold on to for Mapúa :) . anyway i started with it already . of course when we start change we always start with ourselves right ? so i started with my closet . i removed all of the clothes which i do not wear anymore . and wait i have to say my fingers are shaking right now . i seriously wont use the mouse too much right now couz it hurts to look at it . anyway . the next thing i did was do errands for tita . which is normal but sometime after it i kinda wanted to help tita do laundry . and that stuff so i just basically did . wait . is it me or am i totally over using words like anyway . seriously and all that stuff ? ~.~ whatever Marga ~.~ anyway . i really have to do this >.< pray for me :) so anyway i wanna share . when money gets to us . im getting a wardrobe makeover . one of my drawers is out of place because tita is actually starting to prepare for me . haha . i want to choose clothes now . :) weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) and i seriously need to buy cheap ones so i get a lot of them :) i need a year full of clothes . well almost everyone knows that id rather be a kids barbie doll than dress myself up couz the first thing i see on top of my the pile on my drawer will be the dress i will be wearing . the selecting is not really random . except the times whne its not a pile . couz there are times when i literally get clothes like im choosing a winner at a raffle draw . its horrendous to even think about it ~.~ but its real ~.~ anyway ive got another thing to share but this time about my two sisters . its really epic to even just look at them . they fight like its always the end of the world . haha its so funny to look at but it really bothers me what they would look like in the future ~.~" but i do hope they dont end up like this someday -_-"

haha im already scared of what they'll look like @.@ i really hope not couz from the sounds of what they were producing a while ago . i had my imagination working well even up to now with the conversation i am having with Kathleen Anne Merced Sanchez Taping . tsk tsk and by the way i just got my HawHaw Addiction back on my spinal . i will spend more i guess ~.~ well i loved it before and i will love it again . woah i wanna use this line on him ~.~ im crazy i know :)) thats who i am :)
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