
Marga weird facts : Face

just out of boredom i want another bullet blog about me :)) im sorry but im beginning to really like bullet posting :))

★ I seriously dont know how to smile
. well up to now tita still teases me and tells me i over use a fake smile and look ugly
★ when i over smile . i cant see anything
. is that a part of being chinita ? @.@
★ when i dont smile my nose looks like its artificial
. like you only put my nose on purpose or something @.@
★ my teeth look horrible
. i seriously need to use braces . even if im afraid .
★ my face is square ?
. im seriously not sure what my face's shape really is
★ i only have 1 dimple
. on my right cheek . its awfully weird .
★ i dont have pimples
. only on the rare occasions before i have periods :)
★ there is like a cut or something on my eyebrows
. i dont know what that is but i noticed Vida dearest also has one :)
★ i ALMOST have a cleft chin
. just a small cut or something
was it me or was i really vain on this post ? :)) must be because im really awfully tired and all that stuff . im going to bed i guess . even if im really not too sleepy . yet im dead tired . it was our graduation . haha whatever bllsht

MapuaGirlAfterAMonth :)

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